5 Super Specific Blog Topics For Wedding Businesses – Summer ‘24 Edition

You know that generic list of blog topics for wedding businesses you keep seeing? The one that is super unhelpful and uninspiring? She doesn’t live here. I’ve curated a list of super specific things for you to blog about during the summer season, to light a fire under your website’s journal, notebook or diary. These suggestions are rooted in research about what’s going to be trending in the wedding world throughout 2024, so if you start now the SEO goddesses will reward you by the end of the year. 

Consider this your Christmas present.

But Katherine, where did you pluck these blog topics for wedding businesses from?

All hail Pinterest Predicts, a site I just will not stop going on about. Every year Pinterest publishes a report of all the things it predicts will be trending in search, based on the numbers and stats. It has about an 80% success rate for being bang on. This is relevant because Pinterest operates as a search engine (just like Google), and is rooted in SEO (just like Google). We can use this information to inform our blogging and Pinterest strategy, resulting in some spicy SEO results for our businesses.

If that all feels a bit ‘wtf’, there are two things you can do next…

One: glow up your SEO understanding and get a tailor-made strategy for social-medialess success with my new SEO Power Couple Service

Two: take my word for it and blog about these 5 things over the next few months, and watch the magic happen!

*Quick disclaimer…not all of these topics are going to feel relevant to your business, and I don’t advocate for crowbar-ing them in where they don’t belong. That’s why I’ve suggested which types of business would benefit from blogging about which topics, so you can make them work for you. If you want a personalised, tailor-made list of blogging topics for your business, pop over to my contact form and ask me about The Blog Bespokery for exactly that!

The List

 Big & Bold Accessories

Searches for sculptural jewellery and big, bold, statement accessories are on the rise. This is exciting news for forward-thinking wedding pros influenced by fashion, and pushing the modern boundaries of design. 

A blog about this topic would work well for you if you’re a bespoke bridal jewellery or accessory designer with pieces that fit this description in your repertoire, or a bridal boutique or custom dress maker – pairing accessory ideas with your gowns, for example. 

This is also something to think about if you’re curating a styled shoot or workshop as a photographer, wedding planner/stylist, or any other role in which you have creative direction.

Bows Galore

All this talk of accessories leads me nicely onto BOWS, which may come as no surprise given the influx of bows-on-candles we saw all over social media earlier this year. This is an exciting addition to the list of blog topics for wedding businesses, because it can be applied to almost any business type!

If you’re a garment, outfit or accessory designer with bows in your heart, let them fly free and then blog, blog, blog. Bows are not just resigned to the hair though, as tying them in with outfits, shoes and even table decor is a winning formula. 

Consider blog topics and keywords such as ‘5 ways to wear bows on your wedding day’, ‘stationery with bow designs’, ‘wedding cakes with bows’, ‘how to style your wedding table with bows’…anything goes when it comes to bows.
You can even double down if it fits your business, writing a blog that talks about sculptural bows – two for the price of one!


Hand painting on wedding cakes, layered jewellery, stationery foiling, unique cutlery choices, vessels for florals…these are all things that can be metallic, so tying these into your blogging would be a very shiny choice indeed. This is one of the most versatile additions to the list of blog topics for wedding businesses, suitable for nearly any type of pro.

The Groovy 70s

Hear me out – the 70s are having their moment again, with Pinterest Predicts specifically naming ‘groovy nuptials’ as a rising search term. As wedding creatives, you don’t have to go all-out disco fever though – it’s one of your superpowers to be able to take a ‘theme’ and two thousand and twenty four the life out of it. 

Think geometric patterns and colour clashes for cake makers and stationers, disco ball decor for wedding planners, stylists and photographers, and 70s interior inspired textures for everyone. I’m not saying you have to get on board, I’m just saying that ‘hip’ is back.

Laid Back Travel

For anyone who works in the wanderlust wedding world, travel searches are trending towards the slow, the staycation, the steady. Including inspiration in your blogs for destination weddings that appeal to more laid-back living could be a Google-booster this year, for example by suggesting locations or activities for weddings that are off the beaten path and slower paced.

laid back travel is one of the hot blog topics for wedding businesses this year - Katherine leans against a colourful wall, passport in hand

Bonus blog topics for wedding businesses

Some other noteworthy mentions in the year’s upcoming trends are listed below, and it’s up to you to decide if any of these resonate with your business and content…

~ jazz club vibes 

~ celebrations for smaller milestones

~ maximalist, kitschy decor

~ mountain adventures and offroading

As a creative, it’s now your job to take these topics and run with them in a way that works for your wedding business. If you’d like some support to create an SEO strategy including blog topics and keywords (and exactly how to use them in your entries) that is tailor made for your wedding business, my SEO Power Couple service can give you exactly that! For a bitesize version to get the ideas flowing, ask me about my Blog Bespokery for your own personalised evermore content list.

Happy blogging!

xo, katherine

Where to next?
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