Blogging and Pinterest For Wedding Pros

Blogging and Pinterest are a total power couple for marketing your wedding business, working wonders through the perennial power of SEO.

It’s time for you to get up close and personal with them. I love SEO marketing because the return on your time and energy investment is so worth it, and the wedding industry is primed and ready for a return to long-form, immersive content. This guide to blogging and Pinterest for wedding pros will show you how to glow up your SEO game sustainably, without burning out on too much new stuff – and by the end you’ll be ready to start effortlessly attracting your 2025 clients while the 2024 season is in full swing.

Blogging & Pinterest for Wedding Pros: The No-Burnout-Method

It’s all well and good getting another new marketing strategy and adding more platforms to your already-too-long to-do list – but let me start by assuring you that with a strong blogging and Pinterest strategy, all that other stuff you’re doing (Insta, I’m looking at you…) becomes much less important and time-draining. 

I think I’m pretty well qualified to help you figure this out, because I personally came back from the depths of Pinterest burnout. A couple of years ago I was offering Pinterest management as a service, and I did SO much of it that I wanted to stick said pins in my eyes. Now, I’ve figured out a way to bring it back into my offering AND use it successfully for my own and clients’ wedding businesses, in a way that feels fun and creative. 

Sustainability is the key to a successful SEO strategy, particularly as we head into wedding season. So, how do we do it?

FREQUENCY – it’s in our nature as humans to go hard when we start something new, just like deciding we’re going to follow a new exercise regime – we set ourselves up for failure by saying we’re going to do 10,000 steps every day, when our current average is 3000. Too much, too soon! It’s the same with blogging and Pinterest. 

You don’t need to blog every week or Pin every day, and it doesn’t have to consume days of your life. Choose a frequency that’s easy for you to upkeep for a while, which looks different for everyone. It might be 1 blog per month and 3 Pins about that blog for the first few months, building a routine that you can add to over time. It doesn’t sound like a lot, but it’s a lot more than nothing.

OPTIMAL FREQUENCY: When I work with my clients in my blogging and Pinterest for wedding pros services, I recommend a couple of blogs per month as a solid foundation. When it comes to Pinterest, a few really visually appealing, high quality, well-optimised Pins per week is perfect – and that’s not my opinion, it’s straight from the horse’s mouth!

Take a look at my recent blog ‘Why You Don’t Need To Buy That ‘Pinterest for Wedding Pros’ Course’ for guidance on exactly how to succeed on Pinterest – because it’s not a secret!

CREATIVITY – as wedding industry creators, we need to bring our flair to marketing if we’re going to find it even remotely enjoyable. Over time I’ve come to really enjoy creating Pins, playing with imagery and striking graphics and finding different ways to speak to viewers through the visuals. You can (and should) brand them, and use your best, most beautiful imagery to stand out. 

It kind of feels like all the best parts of Instagram, with that splash of SEO that’s going to love all over your business.

Katherine wears an orange dress and smiles at her laptop, no doubt reading  her article on blogging and Pinterest for wedding pros

Blogging & Pinterest for Wedding Pros – Why Are They So Good Together?

Pinterest is often referred to as social media, but in fact it’s more closely related to Google than it is to Instagram. Blogging and Pinterest are a total power couple for your wedding business SEO, and here’s why…

~ they’re both search engines and work on the same SEO principles, meaning you don’t need a different strategy for each platform

~ blogging gives you TONNES of content to feed into Pinterest, meaning you don’t need to recreate the wheel 

~ Pinterest is a particular lover of pins that link to new web pages, which is exactly what blogs are…meaning you don’t have to run ads or do anything crazy-special to get on the algorithm’s radar

~ Pinterest is a platform that makes it really easy for people to get OFF the app, and ON to your website (basically the opposite of Instagram’s intentions…), meaning it does some of the heavy lifting for you when it comes to promoting your blog content 

I could keep gushing, but instead I’ll give you a few tips on using blogging and Pinterest together successfully…

How To Use Blogging & Pinterest Together For Your Wedding Business

A simple blogging and Pinterest SEO strategy can look like as easy as this: write a blog -> create Pins about the blog that link to it. 

Give this a go:

~ each time you blog, create a handful of Pin graphics on the same topic 

~ add your logo onto your image, and let people know why they should visit your blog IN the graphic 

~ link the Pins to the URL of your blog

~ you can also create a Pinterest-sized image for your blog and link it straight from there 

~ consciously use relevant keywords (the same ones you used in your blog is a good start) in the title and description of your blog 

~ schedule a handful of Pins weekly (you can do this in one go at the start of the month, or every time you blog)

~ keep an eye on your analytics to see what’s going down well

A Word on Pinterest Analytics

Not sure what you should be looking for to see whether your strategy is ‘working’? Here are a few tips…

~ check your website traffic acquisition to see how many eyes you’re getting from Pinterest and from organic search 

~ check your ‘outbound clicks’ on Pinterest to see how many times people visited your website from your Pins

~ see what your top performing Pins are and try to assess why they might be working so well

~ use Pinterest Trends and Pinterest Predicts* to get insights into what search terms will work for you, and how to stay ahead of the curve

*I go into detail about these in my recent Pinterest blog!

How To Design a Great Blogging & Pinterest Strategy

My BRAND NEW service ‘Your SEO Power Couple’ is launching this week, designed to give you a 6-month sustainable SEO strategy (that’s totally social-media-free) in just 30 days – meaning that by the time wedding season gets fully underway, you could already be on your way to attracting effortlessly aligned clients for 2025. You know, those dreamboat, budget-no-option, style-conscious, really-value-your-work clients? 

The best part is, I’ll do the strategising for you (including specific blog titles, keywords and an in-depth, easy-to-follow Pinterest plan) – all you have to do is implement it using your weekly step-by-step actions list, allowing you to exist in your creativity AND pull off an epic 2024 wedding season. 

If it sounds interesting, send me a message through my contact form quoting ‘POWER COUPLE’ and I’ll send you all the details ahead of it hitting my website – with a special early-bird rate too! It’s time for a marketing glow up, and I can’t wait to help you light a fire under your blogging and Pinterest prowess.

xo, katherine

Where to next?
How To Blog About Real Weddings (So People Actually Read)

The honest truth is this: it’s really hard to write a good blog about a real wedding. You might have experienced the blank-page dread at opening up a new document, trying to do justice to what was a truly beautiful, creatively fulfilling, emotional ‘best day ever’...

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